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Friday, July 06, 2007

what does US have that we dont have?

read the following post by one of my frnds and read the comment passed by another gentle man..here http://gomanigo.blogspot.com/2007/07/whats-there-in-us.html ...

so i too thot.. lets analyse.. what is there thats there in US but not there in India..
i wanted to disagree with the gentle man about what he has listed down.. but then thot.. that he must be in a better position to analyse the situation.. afterall he has come here.. stayed for some time and then gone back.. and now again wants to come back....
i agree that most indians dream about visiting the US.. major attraction is the Money.. next is the Girls(for us guys..).. but above all.. which i discovered after i landed here.. was that a complete difference in mentality..
i was confused and then i realised..(not being an hypocrite as many may have already started to think about me).. these people somehow manage to live upto the basic requirements.. cleanliness and mind ur own business concepts... i don't say that we indians are not clean.. but we r clean only inside our house.. how many of us think twice before dumping the garbage on the streets is a measurable number and how many of us spend most of our time sitting idle ignoring our work delving deep into other people's personal affairs trying to draw "masala" out of it..
as the gentleman commented..there.. is it because of the fines imposed.. yeah maybe that is the motivation.. but come on.. u cannot deny the fact that in india too we r supposed to get fined and there r oaths that people take while joining their service.. be it public service, police job or an IT job..
if i wud continue writing in this way.. i am sure whoever reads it wud tell me. then y do u want to come back to india.. if u like US so much stay there.. but if by chance u can think out of ur views and analyse what i write here.. u will know what is the difference.. and we r not hypocrites.. rather try to mend our society.. where i have spent the whole life..
but then as people wud say.. who cares.. its our country, we will keep throwing garbage on the streets.. ... ....

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